Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Towering infatuation

By the end of the summer we hope that there will be more of 88. We are having an extension. We have a wonderful architect but I have to admit that the plans are not what I had ultimately hoped for. Mr Architect has given us everything we will want with style and professionalism. But what I really want is a big tower and a spiral staircase and an open air viewing area at the top so I can look out and survey all before me. A cosy bolthole at the top with 360 degree windows would also be desirable. I didn't mention this to Mr A in the planning stages as I thought he might laugh out loud or more specifically our local planning department might expire from giggling and veto my tower....if they still drew breath.

I love towers. Give me a tall elongated building to climb and I am a happy person. I love the anticipation of the climb. As with jokes the best towers are the old ones with steps inside....spiral are best. Climbing round and round the anticipation builds. What will be at the top? Will there be a good vista? Who has climbed these steps before me? Then I emerge into the brightness. What can I see? Let me soak in the panorama.

If I had lots and lots of money I would buy an estate and I would build a tall folly tower. Of no use really other than for me to climb and survey. I'd let my friends and family in too - I'm generous that way. I was hugely disappointed at the Millennium and at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee that no towers were built in joyous celebration. Our Victorian forbears were much more imaginative, building towers left, right and centre to commemorate jubilees and battles and people - any excuse. The tower photographed was built to house the clock to strike the wake-up call for the mill workers. Not very romantic but I like it for its Rapunzel-like qualities. Actually I wonder if there is time just to tweak the plans for 88 just a little......well quite a lot....would anyone really notice one tower?

Monday, 25 February 2013


Siren. Femme fatale. Seductress. Temptress. Goddess.....

No it's Mabel or so I've christened her - a rather lovely statue in the grounds of my mum's (88) residential home.

Necklace - a teasing adornment