Went to see 'War Horse', the stage show, at the weekend and it was amazing. The puppetry is breath-taking. But I broke my golden rule: never watch films or plays with children or animals in as it will only lead to profuse crying. It has a relatively happy ending and still I cried. I had mascara embarrassment in a public place.
Some of my friends may laugh at my reaction as I am not known for my overt fondness for pets or animals. Part of that may stem from the fact I am a farmer's daughter so I see animals in a more practical sense of either delivering milk or producing beef or laying eggs. I also know the huge commitment that is involved in looking after any animal properly and kindly. But put them in a drama and I am a goner.
However, with a bit of self-psychoanalysis, I actually think the tears all stem from watching the film, 'The Yearling', as a little child. Have you ever seen it? It stars Gregory Peck, playing a farmer in the old American pioneering days. I haven't seen it in decades but I remember it's about a young child having a young deer as a pet and basically having to shoot it because it eats the family's crops and damages fences. Cheerful, hey! Bambi has nothing on it.
I can remember crying and crying, watching it. Hence that's why I weep when I watch films about children and animals that involve even a teeny-itsy bit of sadness or cruelty plus I'm like my Dad and am a bit of a sentimental thing at heart. I suspect deep down I equate having a pet with ultimate sadness....ooh I'm into the self-analysis big time.
I certainly wouldn't survive the film of 'War Horse' especially as it's directed by Spielberg - I'd be a wreck. But don't let me put you off the stage production - it is awesome.