Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Fruitiques on Tour : Tenerife

Have Fruitique, Will Travel

As my regular readers will know I am part of a disreputable band of sisters called The Fruitiques, beading, knitting, sewing as we go. And we thought 'go' was a rather good way to ...well...go. We thought why not see where our wares actually end up geographically; how well do they travel?

Our CFO (Chief Fruitiquing Officer), N, has started us off. Here are the Fruitiques in craft if not in body or mind (we wish) in Tenerife. As N says she doesn't quite know how she got through customs with the snarfe, sunglasses and hat combo and we'll never know how she wasn't cautioned on the beach for leaving her pants about the place but a good time was had by all...enhanced of course by her Fruitique accoutrements.

You need one of Joy's snarfes (above) in 23 degree C heat! Sonya's pants purse (below)

If you have taken a Fruitique on Tour let me know. I need photographic evidence!!


Monday, 15 April 2013

Rapunzel Diaries 2 : Wainhouse Tower

Wainhouse Tower, Halifax

This is my favourite tower ever I think. There is a wonderful winding staircase which winds round a central chimney. Along the way are little windows inset into the outer wall where you have to squeeze into to let people pass you going up or down. You spiral round and round, higher and higher and wonder when you'll ever see daylight. And then you are rewarded with a fabulous 360 degree vista of Halifax and the Calder Valley.

It's 272 feet or 84 m high (shame it's not 4 metres higher and I could get my '88' in), built between 1871 and 1875 and has 403 steps to the first viewing platform. It was built to serve as a chimney to the dye works owned by John Wainhouse. The chimney had to be high to comply with the Smoke Abatement Act of 1870. Mr Wainhouse wanted an elaborate chimney but sold the dyeworks to someone else in 1874 who refused to meet the cost of such a fancy chimney so Wainhouse kept it for himself as an observatory. And good for him - I'd have kept it - a tower all to myself.

I can remember climbing it in the eighties or nineties and I am sure we were allowed up to the second of the two tiers at the top. I can still remember the excitement of another level to climb and waving down to my mum way way below. I climbed it last year with my family and alas we were only allowed to the first tier, still up in the clouds.

In previous years the Tower has been open on some Bank Holidays. Well worth the effort - just check with Tourist Information in Halifax.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Handmade Histories 5 : Beaded Heart

Beaded Heart (Fruitique: Virginia)

Darling precious Grace was born in 2006. She came into the world just too early and just too poorly and she died. She was so very very beloved and so very cherished by her family. Every anniversary her Mummy, Rachel, buys a little special keepsake for Grace's memory box and for her memorial stone at their local church. The family has also planted a silver birch in memory of another special person in their lives, Nana. This wonderful tree watches over Grace. This year Rachel bought a bright beaded happy and shining heart to hang on her Nana's tree for baby Grace. Rachel then bought a companion cream heart in memory of her Nana to hang with Grace's heart: two dear and precious people in their lives remembered, always cherished.

I was feeling a little piqued that no one had responded or reacted to the stories about Fruitique purchases and then I get this very tender response at 88. I'm touched that a little recycled beaded heart can make just a teeny tiny difference. I've stopped sulking now, Rachel!