Thursday, 18 July 2013

It's hot!

You know it's glorious weather when you can put your washing out on the line in the evening to save you a job in the morning, absolutely confident in the knowledge it won't rain and the sun will shine again the next morning. Ahh sunshine and blue skies.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Dressing of the wells

Yesterday was the annual well dressing ceremony in the village where we live. Apparently in the 19th century there were  regular well dressings here but the tradition died down until being reintroduced in 2000 by the Women's Institute.

There is a huge tradition of well dressings in Derbyshire where wells are decorated in flower petals to give thanks for the clear water they provide. The traditions may date back to the Black Death when you really were thankful for untainted water and gave thanks for that privilege.

The WI dressing made entirely from flower petals and greenery.

The well dressings where we live are quite a celebration. A brass band leads the way. There are quite a few wells and each one is blessed and a verse of All Things Bright and Beautiful sung. Some are actual wells coming off the escarpment behind the village and some are symbolic allowing different groups to get involved in the historical ceremony. The three local schools, the guides, scouts, WI, two local churches all make flowered tableaux.

The local Rainbows, Brownies, Guides.

I think it's a lovely tradition bringing together the local community. I think everyone gets something out of it. If you are religious then you really are giving thanks. If you are not then you can enjoy the camaraderie and the artistry and dedication of the people who make the flowered pictures. I also love the fact the local schools get involved. My son last year was able to point out the owl that he had made from petals on his school's tableau.

Long may sticking petals on wells continue.