Wednesday 6 March 2013

Let Down Your Hair

As mentioned in Towering Infatuation I am rather partial to a tower so I thought I would start a new mini series to share my tower stories with you. I've called this series The Rapunzel Diaries. As a little girl I loved Ladybird books (much sought after vintage classics now) and was quite partial to a reading of  Rapunzel (Series 606D if anyone is a Ladybird aficionado).

Always thought Rapunzel looked a little middle-aged.
As for the Prince - that hair style and hat just isn't a good look.

As all you fairy tale lovers know Rapunzel was imprisoned in a tower. Remember 'Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair'.  Perhaps this story has something to do with my love of towers - who knows? I do remember always wondering how Rapunzel could stand to throw her long long plait out of the tower window and let a full grown prince climb up it. Didn't it hurt her like mad? In my day proper hair bobbles seemed to be in short demand and my Mum would sometimes use a rubber band to tie up my hair and as all long haired girls of my generation know it hurts like crazy getting a rubber band out of your hair at the end of the day. I equated a poncey prince ( he did look that way in  the illustrations) climbing up Punzel's golden tresses as the equivalent of extracting a rubber band from my hair. I'd prefer to stay in the tower.

Anyway watch out for Rapunzel Diaries 1: Lindley Clock Tower coming to a blog near you soon.

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