Tuesday 3 September 2013

Hula hooping away


Can you hula hoop? I used to be able to do it. But alas now I cannot. My daughter is a genius at it. She can hula hoop for hours and amuse us walking around doing her hula hoop chicken walk.

My husband has tried and he can't. We've had all sorts of theories to justify why we can't do it. Our centre of gravity is different? The hula hoop isn't big enough? There's too much in the way when you are a grown woman (my excuse of course)! And when it's all too much we have sulkily taken our hula hoop home with us and been heard to mutter why would we want to hula hoop anyway? I fear we just can't hula hoop it.

We once saw an act which consisted of a woman just hula hooping. It was mesmerizing. She could hula hoop round every part of her body and with multi hula hoops. She definitely had skills.

Off to practice now.

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