Friday 13 September 2013

The Build: Week 14

So near, yet so far. We are so close to finishing this build. The architect thinks about another week but there appears to be so much yet to do. Finish the kitchen, lay three floors, complete the electrics, fit a Juliette balcony and so on. Lots of things and people that need to come together to finish a job.

We are fed up. We are fed up of living in a dusty mess where we can't find anything. We want to cook a meal, sit down at a table to eat it and then plunge onto a sofa and watch TV like we used to 14 weeks ago. People are lovely though and tell us it will all be worth it in the end. And it will.

The builder has had another job on this week and we feel left in limbo with fingers and toes crossed he will give us his undivided attention next week. He hasn't let us down thus far but I have learnt quite slowly over this project that successful builders appear to be successful builders because they can spin a tale. I call it BSing.....being 'blooming silly' but perhaps you can think of another term that fits.

We do now have an oven that works. But even the promise of buns hasn't lured the builder back. There is always painting to do as we have elected to do the decorating. I have become an expert on the mist coat: the layer of paint that goes on new plaster to seal it. I fear I will be dreaming soon about brushes and paint and misquotes and amorphous overcoats.  Alas and woe is us but what we can do is have a hot luxurious bath and a refreshing power shower. Yes the bathroom is finished....hooray....oh apart from the fact it hasn't got a door nor skirting boards nor a radiator that works.

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