Wednesday 20 November 2013

Clubbing at my age?

I am entering a new phase in my life. At my advanced age I am entering the world of clubbing. I am becoming a groupie. I am experiencing the ecstasy of clubland vicariously through my two children. I talk not of late teens but of Rainbows and of Cubs and of other little person's activities.

I've never really been a joiner of clubs and perhaps because of this I have encouraged and given the opportunity to my children to partake in lots of  activities in my stead. However this has opened up a whole new level of commitment for my husband and me in both time and money.

I am full of admiration and awe for the people who run these clubs and put in so much effort. They live and breathe their chosen interest and are enthusiastic enough to want to share that with people. In fleeting moments, which I might add quickly pass, I am almost envious of that single-mindedness and passion for their chosen pastimes.

But I have to confess it's taking a little adjusting on my part. There's the weekly commitment that each Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday morning we need to be some where at a specific time. This may be delving too deeply into my psyche but I do rail against this commitment. I was brought up on a farm and I suspect subconsciously I've had enough of having to be some where at a specific time day in, week out i.e. milking time, hay time, silage time.

There's also the budgeting needed to be able to afford these clubs. Last year I asked my little girl if she wanted to join a dance club. She wasn't hugely enthusiastic but said she'd give it a go. I rang up to find out more. The lady was lovely and then emailed me a list of all the shoes and outfits my daughter would need on top of the membership fee. We never did make it to a class.

Then there is the sweet pressure sometimes exerted by the club leaders for parents to play their part. Can parents help here? Can parents join the committee there? This is absolutely reasonable and I have been known to volunteer for this fund raising event and that committee but it doesn't always follow that even though my child may be interested in an activity, I will be too.

Of course my husband and I are really really happy that our children want to go out into the world and enjoy. I'm just a selfish grumpy old mum who thought her clubbing days were long passed.

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