Saturday, 10 May 2014

Engineering in sugar and chocolate

How do you eat your chocolate tea cake?

First comes the delicate removal of the red and silver foil from your Tunnock delicacy. Don't press too hard in the wrong place or it's all lost in a squashed crumple.

Do you eat it up in one or three big bites, savouring the biscuit crunch, cloud-like marshmellow and sumptuous milk chocolate almost in one glorious instance? Then having eaten it so quickly you have the chance to grab the remaining tea cake before anyone realises. My husband (who usually eats so slowly)

Do you, feeling very naughty, deliberately cover your lips and environs in the white sticky weightless sugar, creating a white moustache and goatee beard and await a reaction from those around you? My eight year old son.

Do you make a little doorway through the fragile chocolate into the white cloud and then twist your tongue around the marshmellow and empty the dome, leaving the chocolate roof balancing, hanging there with no support. Then destroy it while attacking the biscuit floor?  All a good exercise in teeth and tongue control. My seven year old daughter and sometimes me.

Do you deconstruct the delight. Carefully and skilfully chip away the delicate layer of milk chocolate over the white fluffy dome and then lick away the marsh mellow before chomping into the biscuit base? It takes time to do it right. Me (who usually eats so quickly).

God I love 'em.


  1. But u havn't explored what you can do with the silver foil?

  2. Ah....I believe some take it one step further and make origami figures out of the foil.
