Monday, 14 July 2014

Crafting no more

I did my final craft fair last week. My two fellow crafters and I embarked on a great craft adventure about two years ago. Sonya sewing, Joy knitting and crocheting and myself jewellery making. If we didn't exactly building a crafting empire, we certainly have built sound and wonderful friendships between us. It was always a hobby for us if we are honest.

We've sold some stuff so it's quite comforting to think that our products are out there being worn and displayed and who knows perhaps a 'Virginia Blakeley' will be a much sought after item in a thousand years but I think not.

The craft fair market is saturated now. Lots of people have jumped on the bandwagon, got their glue out and made some dubious 'crafts'. It seems to have come full circle. Whereas 20 years ago I wouldn't go to a local craft fair for fear of running into a crocheted toilet roll cover, I am less willing to go now for fear of bumping into run-of-the-mill tat. There is fabulous workmanship out there but you have to go to the big craft shows to find craftsmanship par excellence. There are some gems in the smaller craft markets but it's harder and harder to find something of quality and something  unique.

So I have opened my box of necklaces and am wearing them all now. I'll dabble now and then. I will leave the craft fairs to the professionals.


  1. But will you still be available for commissions?
