I never thought I'd say this but last weekend I felt a bit like a city girl. Me! A farmer's daughter. True enough I abandoned all thought of farming forty odd years ago. In fact I never abandoned the thought, it just never occurred to me that I would ever want to spend my adult life farming. And last weekend I guess I realised how removed I was from agricultural pursuits.
We went to visit family in Teesdale - a beautiful part of north England and we went to Egglestone Show. It was a lovely show. There was horseriding including tiny tiny tots riding ponies; a falconry display; carriage driving; glorious local food; sheep, cattle, even lamas and a tent full of homegrown veg to make David and I weep to look at the paltry size of own home grown efforts. The carrots, parsnips, leeks were ginormous.
It was a beautiful day and I had on my sandals which immediately outed me to be the city girl I have become. This was a September show with a slight chill in the wind even though the sun was shining. I needed knee high, leather boots. The type that are a cross between riding boots and wellies and are made from tip top brown leather. Every lady there from a three year old to a dowager duchess had on such boots. I had a bright green walking cagoule on too. Oh no...tweed or quilted jackets were de rigueur.
I quite liked the look and was quite tempted. But soon realised that to walk the children to school in suburban Manchester in such garb would look a tad out-of-place. It might do though for a walk over the local fields and hills so am very tempted by some boots.
Anyway a good time was had by all. The veg were beyond my imagination but I reckon that my lemon drizzle cake would have stood a good chance of coming first in the lemon drizzle cake competition. I'm tempted to enter next year and deliver my cakes in sandals and cagoule.
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