I rely on my 20 and 30 something nieces and nephew to keep me informed of the latest trends. One of them is expecting a baby and one is getting married so there will be ample opportunity over the coming months I expect and perhaps fear for me to get bang up to date with the latest must-haves and ways of doing.
For instance on Saturday I went to a picnic where my niece and partner let us know the sex of their unborn child through the medium of cake. Now I am always more than happy to explore any subject through the joys of cake and this was a particularly welcome exploration. The idea is that a very neutral looking cake is produced and cut into to reveal a slice that is either blue or pink thus telling the world whether the babe is a boy or girl.
One of my nieces told me she was completely left non-plussed when a colleague at work said she was going to a 'Gender Reveal Party'. Even my hip and trendy niece was at a loss and asked whether the person at the centre of the big reveal was coming out as a man or woman. My pregnant niece's 'come to a lovely family picnic where I'll let you know whether we are having a boy or girl according to the colour of the cake' party seems a much more friendly title.
Apparently sometimes even the parents don't know the sex of their own child at these 'reveal' parties. They get the scan person at the hospital to pop the sex of their baby into an envelope and then they take this to a cake shop and the appropriate coloured cake is duly made. Can this really be true?
Anyway we had a lovely time in Derbyshire, together, eating, laughing. My niece made the cake although she didn't quite know how much food colouring to put into the mixture so that once cooked it would be perfectly clear whether it was pink or blue but she ensured the butter cream filling left us in no doubt. The cake was all the sweeter for the excitement that it held for the coming months.
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