Tuesday 30 July 2013

The Build: week 8

We had our very own Black Wednesday last week. There was a thunderstorm and the rain came in. Someone flushed the loo when the soil pipe wasn't there! We said goodbye to the shower when the temperature was in the mid 20s. And then the blackest moment of all the washing machine was moved 2m to its right and gave up the ghost half way through a cycle. It was the proverbial final straw - I cried and ranted and swore and hit things. My children scattered, my husband tried to say the right things but I had to have my diva moment......or was it half an hour...or did it turn into 60 minutes.

Anyway let's just say it was good to clear the air and get perspective. It's an extension which we have chosen to undertake and to live in and through so really in the big scheme of things it's life.

My friend and mum-in-law did the pile of washing I had to clear - thank you so much. All the builders were great and realised it was the darkest hour and rallied round. I guess they get used to that initial high from clients when they are excited that work has started to be followed by downheartedness about 7 weeks later when the bathroom goes and the family is in limbo.

There is progress every day. Windows have gone in, the roof is finished, the underpinning completed, the bathroom is nearly ready for its transformation. And oh by the way the washing machine is working again. Apparently someone forgot to open a valve or something! How sweet the hum of a washing machine filling up, swishing, rinsing, spinning and draining is.

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